Staying One Step Ahead with ActionHub: Your ServiceNow Security Boost

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity isn’t just a fancy word; it’s a must-have. As businesses rely more on technology, strong cybersecurity practices are vital.

At ActionHub, we understand how important cybersecurity is for your business, especially when it comes to your ServiceNow platform. That’s why we make it our top priority to help you ‘stay one step ahead’ of potential threats.

Our approach is multifaceted, tailored to provide robust protection for your ServiceNow environment. We focus on building a cyber-aware team, securing your platform, adhering to international standards, and delivering advanced solutions.

Let’s explore how our practices and strategies assist with delivering you a more secure ServiceNow platform.

1. Building a Cyber-Aware Team: Mitigating Cyber Risks

Securing your ServiceNow platform isn’t only about technology; it also relies on having an informed and watchful team.

Fostering employee awareness and education is crucial in our cybersecurity efforts. Many security breaches result from employee actions, such as sharing login credentials or falling for phishing scams.

Our method involves workshops and simulated phishing exercises as essential initial steps to building a cyber-aware team. This approach encourages employees to be part of the solution, minimising the risk of becoming a security weak link, while strengthening our defence.  

2. Automated Cybersecurity Training: Continuous Learning for Better Vigilance

Automated cybersecurity training is fundamental to our strategy. In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, ongoing learning is paramount. 

At ActionHub, our teams are regularly trained to tackle the latest cyber threats. Our training covers everything from spotting phishing emails to identifying possible security issues within a team members personal digital life. This ensures our team stays updated and makes informed decisions to protect your data and operations.

3. Phishing Campaigns: Acting Against Phishing Attacks

Phishing remains one of the most prevalent cyberattack methods. To bolster our team’s ability to spot and handle phishing threats, we run automated phishing campaigns. These realistic simulations mimic real-world attacks, testing our employees’ responses and enhancing their capacity to identify social engineering tactics.

With our feedback-rich campaigns, we enable our team to recognise signs of phishing attempts, a crucial skill in the face of rising social engineering attacks.

4. Platform Security: Thorough Evaluation of Security Measures

Keeping your ServiceNow platform secure means regularly reviewing and monitoring security settings to assess vulnerabilities.

At ActionHub, we perform thorough platform security reviews for our customers on a regular basis to ensure your instance can withstand evolving threats.  We also conduct regular refresher training with our team on platform security features.

5. Offering Tools and Resources: Delivering Advanced Solutions

Our strong cybersecurity program relies on advanced solutions and tools to build the first line of defence. These include password managers and endpoint solutions that help secure communication protocols, login credentials, and workplace devices.

To guarantee our employees have access to up-to-date cybersecurity tools and resources, regular updates and reviews of administered tools as well as education on their proper usage are conducted.

Besides providing these resources, ActionHub also encourages its employees to follow security best practices when communicating with customers or building application integrations.

6. ISO Standards Compliance: Meeting the highest security standards

Adherence to international security standards is essential.

We are committed to aligning with ISO standards, not only safeguarding our data but also assuring our customers of our dedication to data security.

This commitment is part of blending ACSC guidelines and ISO27001 into our operations to ensure that our team is equipped to deliver robust data privacy, security, and confidentiality to our clients.

7. Ensuring Ongoing Cybersecurity Readiness

Continual cyber readiness is necessary in any effective cybersecurity program.

At ActionHub, we stay updated on the latest threats and trends to maintain an effective posture. Our systems are continuously monitored for malicious activity, and we regularly test our cyber response and controls to enhance our cybersecurity processes.

We also conduct routine tabletop exercises to detect vulnerabilities and ensure our teams are well-prepared to detect potential cyber threats.

In Conclusion: A Future-Ready Cybersecurity Strategy

As cybersecurity threats grow in frequency and sophistication, tools alone can’t provide comprehensive security. A strong cybersecurity culture, combined with a well-defined threat mitigation program, including policies, procedures, and employee awareness, is essential.

At ActionHub, we take our responsibility to protect sensitive customer data seriously. We consider our employees our most critical asset in the fight against cyber threats. Our multi-pronged approach, along with the development of a cyber-aware team, ensures the security of your ServiceNow platform in an ever-changing cyber landscape.

Connect with Us Today

At ActionHub, we offer more than just tech solutions for your ServiceNow platform. We provide a comprehensive cybersecurity approach, including ongoing learning, proactive defence, rigorous testing, and adherence to industry standards. Your business deserves nothing less than top-notch cybersecurity, and that’s what we strive to provide.

Stay safe, stay informed, and stay ahead with ActionHub.

Ready to fortify your cybersecurity strategy and unlock the full potential of ServiceNow for your business?

Book a consultation with ActionHub here and take the first step towards a more secure and efficient future!